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Integrated solutions for small-scale agriculture

Multi-scenario solution

Solution to grain harvesting

Before:The ancient way of rice and wheat threshing was by beating the crop against a hard surface.Or on a large stone mill or a manually shaken sieve




3.the threshing was uneven, resulting in a significant amount of grain loss.

4.Crops are easily prone to crushing.

Now:Using paddy thresher.


1.Can handle large quantities of grain,Increased efficiency, .
2.Reduced labor costs, and improved grain quality.
3.The use of machines can lead to increased crop yields and decreased post-harvest losses.

Solution to paddy rice processing

Before:Manually or use rolling pin.


1.Slow, labor-intensive, and produced uneven results.
2.The pounding process often resulted in broken grains and produced a lower yield compared to modern milling techniques.
3.The process was physically demanding and required a significant amount of time and effort, making it inefficient for large-scale production.

Now:Using rice mill machine


1.Can efficiently remove the husk and bran from the rice grain.
2.Higher milling efficiency, less grain breakage, and lower energy consumption .

3.It also allows for greater control over the milling process, resulting in a more consistent product.

Solution to spices grinding

Before:Using hand stones, and mortars and pestles to grind grains and other materials.


1.It results in a coarse flour with a significant amount of bran and germ.
2.Time-consuming, inefficient, and produces flour that is less shelf-stable .
3.The stones used for grinding need frequent maintenance and can introduce impurities into the flour if not properly cleaned.

Now:Using pulverizer/disc mill/grinding mill


1.Capable of processing large amounts of raw materials in a short time, improving production efficiency.
2.Able to precisely control parameters such as temperature, humidity, and particle size during processing, improving product quality and stability.
3.Able to adapt to various processing requirements, and can be adjusted and optimized according to product types and processing techniques to meet the diversity of market demand.

Solution to silage making

Before:Using manual tools such as sickles and saws to cut grass


1.Inefficient and physically demanding.
2.Required a lot of manpower and physical input, and the quality and efficiency of grass cutting could not be guaranteed, which cannot meet the needs of modern agricultural production.

Now:Using chaff cutter/hay cutter


1.High efficiency, reduced labor intensity, lower costs, improved work quality.
2.It can quickly and accurately cut crop straw into small particles, suitable for various purposes such as feed processing and compost production, greatly improving agricultural production efficiency and economic benefits.

Solution to coffee cherry pulping and husk milling

Before:By manual peeling or rubbing with stones.


1.High labor intensity, low efficiency, difficulty in ensuring quality, and vulnerability to seasonal and climatic factors.
2.Manual peeling could easily cause damage to the coffee beans and contamination with foreign matter, thus affecting the quality and taste of coffee.

Now:Using coffee pulping machine


1.Compared to traditional hand peeling, a fresh coffee peeler can complete the peeling process faster and more accurately, improving production efficiency.
2.The peeling machine can precisely control the peeling thickness, ensuring the quality and taste of the coffee beans.
3.The peeling machine can reduce energy and water consumption, avoiding the impact of traditional processing methods on the environment.
4.The peeling machine can be adjusted and optimized according to different coffee varieties and processing requirements, adapting to the diversity of market demand.

Solution to feed pellet making

Before:Manually grind or crush the feed with a stone mill, and then manually shape the feed into pellets.


1.manually grind or crush the feed with a stone mill, and then manually shape the feed into pellets.
1.Low production efficiency, high labor intensity, low accuracy, and easy waste and pollution.
2.The size of the hand-made pellets is uneven, which affects the uniformity and nutritional value of the feed, thus affecting the growth and health of the animals.

Now:Using feed pellet machine


1.The pelletizing speed is fast, which can greatly improve production efficiency.
2.The pelletizing machine can adjust the output particle size and size according to the feeding needs of different animals.

3.It reduces the consumption of labor and energy, and improves the utilization and nutritional value of feed.
4.The pelletizing process can ensure the uniformity and nutritional value of feed, avoiding errors that may occur in manual production.
5.It reduces pollution and waste, making feed production more environmentally friendly and healthy.