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Преимущества зяблевой фрезы в разведении скота.

Chaff cutter is a farm machine that cuts straw or hay into small pieces. It is widely used around the world, mainly for feeding livestock such as cattle, sheep and goats. The purpose of using a chaff cutter is to make the grass easier to digest for the animals, thereby enhancing their overall health and productivity. Cutting the grass into smaller pieces can prevent the animals from choking while eating, and it also increases the surface area of the grass, making it easier for the animals to chew and absorb the nutrients. Additionally, chaffing the grass can help break down the tough cell walls of the plant material, releasing the nutrients inside and making them more bioavailable to the animals. As a result, chaffed grass is not only more palatable, but it also provides superior nutrition for livestock. Hence, the use of chaff cutters is highly recommended for efficient and effective livestock feeding.

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  1. Seydou SIDIBE Ответить

    Je suis intéressé sur vos machines.
